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2023 HCF AGM - Positive Year End Results

The Headingley Community Foundation Board is proud to release our 2023 year end results from our recent AGM. Our treasurer, Paul Franzmann, presented some fantastic financial info about our foundation's 8th year. He announced our Endowment Funds were at $847,418 on June 30, 2023, getting close to our $1M goal! Credit also to Janine Girard, our secretary, for preparing our Annual Report. It's full of important details about our history. Both of our year end reports are available to be viewed on our new website at We also gave out a total of $19,338 to four local nonprofit organizations who had impressive projects submitted through our online Granting Program to improve our community. See their individual posts. All this is made possible because of generous donors like you. As always the hospitality at the Gates on Roblin was amazing. Our entertainment for the evening was delivered with style by long-time local residents and talented musicians: Harold Eide, John Hatfield and Charlie Hatfield. Robert E Wilson, local photographer, took all our photos. Thank you to everyone for making the evening memorable. Photo L to R: Kelly Moon, Steve Sykes, Tom Roche, Georgia Taillieu, Jim Robson, John Davidson, Kai Lee and Paul Franzmann. Regrets: Janine Girard and Jill Ruth.

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